My Reply...
I appreciate your article. It was insightful,
and well-written. It is good to be refreshed on The Declaration
of Independence, and the government that was put in place to uphold those
ideals. There is no question that our Founding Fathers were moral people.
Many of them (like Adams) were devout Christians. Even those who did not
identify themselves as Christians (like Franklin and Jefferson) understood that
morality was essential for a Democracy to function. Franklin regularly
attended sermons by George Whitefield and even went as far as helping build a
hall where the masses could hear his sermons.
Our Founding Fathers also understood that tyranny
comes in many forms. Man by nature is corruptible. Even
Federalist Alexander Hamilton floated the notion of a monarchy during the
Constitution Convention. The Founding Fathers' genius shined through with
a three-branch system, a separation of powers, and checks/balances
system that ensured that no one branch could dominate the others.
Still though, it seems that agendas on both sides of the aisle have been
It bothered me when Steve LaTourette called it quits
in Congress. He was one of the few candidates who was known for his
uncanny ability to get things done in Washington. In a different time and
age, he would have been considered a VP candidate. Instead he cited his
own political party as the reason for leaving Congress.
As a Christian man, I have struggled with
politics. I have concluded that every election is a war of words, and a
war of ideas. No party can justly claim Christ's dominion. Both parties
fall well-short of his ideals. To claim anything different would
compromise the Gospel. Likewise, as if we are in the Garden of Eden, we
are given choice, albeit man-made choices in a fallen world. I think our Founding Fathers understood the dilemma. Our Bill of Rights could have
addressed anything in the first Amendment. The subject that addressed was religion.
It is my belief that religion was recognized as the critical component of
our government and citizenry. But, one Christian church should not be favored
over any other. The Founders recognized that a relationship with God was a fundamental right. Americans take that right for granted. Why is
it that right of worshiping God had taken a back seat to all the gifts this
great country has been blessed with? Before we address the government and its variable short-comings, we
must address the heart of man.
If you can
When asked by a woman what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had given the people, Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.” The warning was meant seriously, because like all the Founders, Franklin was well aware of the dangers that faced republics.
When asked by a woman what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had given the people, Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.” The warning was meant seriously, because like all the Founders, Franklin was well aware of the dangers that faced republics.
The principal danger,
of course, was tyranny, which the Founders understood as the government
depriving people of their God-given rights and liberties. The Constitution’s
system of checks and balances was intended to make that more difficult, but if
unscrupulous persons were elected to key positions in the government, tyranny
remained a possibility. As a result, the Founders emphasized that the only real
protection against tyranny was the character of the people elected to office.
But there was another,
more indirect route that could lead to the collapse of the Republic: The
loss of virtue among the citizens.
Government and virtue
Virtue is an old-fashioned and misunderstood word today. The Latin word virtus comes from the word vir, “man.” Virtue was thus literally manliness, the qualities that men should strive to achieve, such as valor, courage, temperance, prudence, loyalty, faithfulness, self-sacrifice, etc. Significantly, these “masculine” traits could only be exhibited in the service of the republic; they were not private but public qualities.
Virtue is an old-fashioned and misunderstood word today. The Latin word virtus comes from the word vir, “man.” Virtue was thus literally manliness, the qualities that men should strive to achieve, such as valor, courage, temperance, prudence, loyalty, faithfulness, self-sacrifice, etc. Significantly, these “masculine” traits could only be exhibited in the service of the republic; they were not private but public qualities.
The Greek equivalent
was arete, meaning excellence. It referred primarily to something
that achieved its intended end. When applied to people, it referred to someone
who had developed to their full potential.
What has this to do
with government? As we have seen, the Greeks believed that the state existed to assist the
citizens in the pursuit of virtue (arete), which was essential to a life
of happiness (eudaimonia), the purpose of our existence.
The Roman concept of virtus was
more directly related to government. The Romans believed that government
officials needed virtus or they would abuse their power and
rule out of self-interest, rather than putting their duty to the state ahead of
themselves. Since the best school of virtus was the military,
and all Roman men performed some kind of military service, important offices in
government had minimum age requirements so that all eligible men would have
completed their military service. That way, they would either have developed virtus or
it would be known that they hadn’t; if the latter, they would be blocked from
holding office.
Everyone involved with
the state needs virtue if the state is going to function. In a monarchy,
ultimately the king’s virtue is all that matters, since the final decision on
any policy is his. As authority spreads more broadly, virtue must spread as
well. In a republic, it must reach not simply office holders, but also those
selecting office holders. If the latter lack virtue, the former certainly will
as well.
Virtue and the
Founding Fathers
These ideas were well known among the Founding Fathers. They all recognized the importance of virtue for the survival of the republic. To cite just a few examples from John Adams:
These ideas were well known among the Founding Fathers. They all recognized the importance of virtue for the survival of the republic. To cite just a few examples from John Adams:
“Because power
corrupts, society’s demands for moral authority and character increase as the
importance of the position increases.”
“Our Constitution
was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the
government of any other.”
“Public virtue
cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only
foundation of republics.”
Others among the
Founders expressed the same ideas.
Why is civic virtue so
important to a republic? If people think only about their own interests rather
than the common good, they will elect people who will pander to them, who will
put short term gain and power ahead of the long term good of the nation, and
this will in turn lead to the destruction of liberty.
This was the point of
a quotation wrongly attributed to eighteenth century Scottish historian
Alexander Fraser Tytler:
"A democracy is
always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of
government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters
discover that they can vote themselves largesse out of the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise
the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every
democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always
followed by a dictatorship."
Similarly, Michael
Novak argues in his book, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, that
modern liberal democracies are built on a three-legged stool of economic
freedom, political freedom, and moral restraint (i.e., virtue). If any one
collapses the stool will fall, which leads inevitably to the loss of liberty
and thus to tyranny. In other words, if we fail to live lives of virtue, we
invite government intervention and thus lose our liberty.
Virtue and the nation
Unfortunately, this is the state of the United States today.
Unfortunately, this is the state of the United States today.
We have lost the
virtue of chastity courtesy of the sexual revolution, and so we have as a
consequence abortion on demand, an HHS mandate to pay for birth control
(including abortifacients) and sterilization even if it violates our
consciences, and the destruction of the family particularly among poor and minority
We have lost the
virtue of self-control, so we spend recklessly on immediate gratification both
on the personal level and in all levels of government.
We have lost the
virtue of self-sacrifice, so we are consistently self-seeking and look to
someone else to pick up the tab for our lifestyle and choices.
We have lost the
virtue of service, so the political classes are typically out for power, spend
as much time fundraising as legislating, and give themselves generous pensions
when they are voted out of office or, more likely, retire. And they pass laws
that permit them to keep any money they raise for an election campaign whether
or not they actually run for office.
And we are losing our
The Constitution
insists that all important (and some relatively unimportant) appointments of
the executive branch must be approved by the Senate, yet there is an increasing
number of non-Constitutional “czars” who run important divisions of the
executive branch without any senatorial approval or oversight.
We have a President
who issues executive orders in areas that he has acknowledged are properly the
responsibility of Congress, thereby violating separation of powers. His excuse?
A gridlocked Congress. But the Constitution mandates that Congress pass the
laws, not the President. If the people don’t like what Congress is doing (or is
not doing), then they can elect new representatives and Senators. The President
has no right to intervene. Short circuiting the legislative process amounts to
rule by decree, which violates the letter and spirit of the Constitution by
eliminating the checks and balances built into the system. And it spells the
end of the republic, which by definition is rule by representatives, not by a
single executive.
We have unelected
bureaucrats establishing policies such as the HHS mandate that violate our
fundamental liberties, with the willing support of those who benefit and who
thus put their “right” to free contraception over another’s right not to be
forced to subsidize someone else’s behavior in violation of deeply held
religious beliefs.
We have a Senate that
will not vote on a budget because any vote could be politically embarrassing
and thus threaten the majority party’s hold on power. And the continuing
resolutions to keep the government running have the government borrowing forty
cents of every dollar we spend.
We have a Federal
Reserve that is printing money at a breakneck pace so we can spend now and sell
our children into debt slavery down the line rather than doing what we need to
do now to prevent default and economic collapse. If or when that happens, some
form of dictatorship will follow.
And we as a public sit
back and acquiesce in all that is going on. We’re like Hezekiah, who on being
told that Judah would be destroyed and his own children go into exile, said
that it was good because he would not experience the trouble himself.
The way back: virtue
The only solution is to recover our virtue and reject the nonsense about cultural and moral relativism that has eaten away at the foundations of our society. Without that, as everyone from Aristotle to the Founders to Michael Novak has argued, the republic is doomed.
The only solution is to recover our virtue and reject the nonsense about cultural and moral relativism that has eaten away at the foundations of our society. Without that, as everyone from Aristotle to the Founders to Michael Novak has argued, the republic is doomed.
We will talk about how
to do that in the next article.
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