Thursday, July 14, 2011

SB5 on Healthcare

Yesterday on the Morning Joe, our esteemed Governor Kasich made an appearance tauting his first six months in office.  He had claimed to be a "get-it-done" type governor. After all, Kasich was elected because people did not feel Strickland was moving the state in the right direction fast enough.  Yet, when questioned about his low approval rating (most polls have him rated in the 30% positive category) , Kasich simply suggested that the polls are not accurate.

Kasich suggested that Ohio has reigned in government spending with no new taxes.  He moved on using his anti-union rhetoric against Ohio's public workers.  Interestingly enough, Kasich cited one small part of the 500 page SB 5 legislation.  He claimed that Ohio's public employees average 6% healthcare premiums while private sector employees pay 23%.  Clearly Kasich is attempting to mislead viewers with this comment:
1.  Public employees do not average 6% healthcare premiums.

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